Baby shopping

Yesterday we were able to get Gift in for a medical check up on her pregnancy and she is due any day now! This pushed us into full blown panic mode! We did some very last minute fundraising for her and you guys all stepped up to the plate. Thank you!! You gave us enough funds to purchase everything Gift will possibly need for the birth in hospital, to care for her baby at home, transport of sending the items to Mbararra and her hospital fees! Saul asked around and did a crash course in baby preparation and spent the day yesterday shopping.

He did amazingly well and I’m so impressed! He will be up in the morning to load everything on to the bus to Mbararra and grandpa will be driving it all out to the village for us. Please pray that we can find Gift’s hospital records that she left in Kampala, we are searching high and low for them currently as we will need them for her new hospital. Thank you all so much for your giving, we really appreciate it all!


Baby supplies to the village


A gift