A gift

When we were delivering our Christmas packages this year we learned that our cook had been helping a young 17 year old street connected girl who was heavily pregnant and living on the street. Our cook was allowing her to sleep in her kitchen at night and locking her in to keep her safe, then letting her assist her in cooking during the day. We decided we couldn’t let her give birth on the streets.

We called around local organisations to try and find a place willing to take her in. All of them were closing down for Christmas and suggested trying to find her family. We asked her where she lived and it turns out she was from a village close to Mbararra! Saul had actually booked a bus to Mbararra for the following day to do a home visit and distribute a Christmas package to one of our families! How amazing is God?

We booked her a bus ticket to travel back to Mbararra with Saul. We were able to get the help our one of our grandfathers who lives in the area and speaks the language to drive us out to Gift’s village to find her family and translate for us.

It turned out the drive was an hour from Grandpa’s home but we did manage to find Gift’s family and take her home!

Her mother was overjoyed to see her! Saul tells us that she cried buckets when she saw her daughter. She had been praying for God to return her home. It turns out that Gift isn’t 17 at all but only 14 years old. She moved to Kampala with her aunt and after an argument she ended up on the street. Her mother would call and ask her sister where her daughter was but she told her she didn’t know. It had been 5 years since she last saw her daughter.

We were concerned Gift’s mother would be angry at her pregnancy but she was not. She told us after her daughter went missing, her husband also passed away. She told us she felt like the baby was an extra blessing for her.


Baby shopping


Christmas joy!